Rules and Regulations

Rules and Regulations

Students should read the notice put up on the notice board carefully every day.

1. Strict silence should be observed in the classrooms during working hours.

2. No student shall leave the class before the teacher leaves.

3. Students must take pride in keeping the college and its premises clean and beautiful.

4. All students must wear uniform and identity tag inside the college campus. Students should always keep dignity and decency in dressing.

5. Color dress is allowed only with the official sanction from the Principal on celebration days.

6. Students whose parents fails to attend the PTA meeting held in the college without a genuine reason will not be permitted to sit in the class from next day.

7. All students should remit their semester fees and examination fees in the stipulated time. In case of failure, fine will be imposed.

8. Do not submit mass petition to the Principal. If students have any grievance or complaint let their representatives meet and inform the grievance cell.

9. Regular and discontinued students should collect their TC and the original Certificates from the College Immediately after the completion of their course (within 6 months). Authorities will not be responsible for their Certificates after this time limit.

10. Writing on walls are strictly prohibited. Any damage caused by students to College property, furniture and building will be repaired at their expense and those responsible for such a damage shall be dealt with severely. Collective fines will be imposed for any damage if the cause cannot be traced individually. Legal action will be initiated for those who destruct the properties (PDPP Act)

11. Students absenting themselves without leave letter or information for two weeks/ 10 working days will have their names removed from the rolls.

12. Students who are on study leave and those without regular classes should enter the campus only with a genuine reason.

13. Students participating in the extra-curricular activities/practice should get the prior permission of the Principal for their attendance.

14. Students who take medical leave should produce the leave application /letter along with the medical certificate certified by a registered medical practitioner on the very next day after the leave. Late application will be rejected.

15. All Celebrations in the campus should be held only after getting prior permission from the Principal. Celebration of any type should be communicated to the head of the institution through concerned staff advisor at least five working days prior to the event with programme details, guests attending, source of funds, expenditure, estimates etc.

16. Students must observe strict discipline in the campus; behave with dignity and courtesy to the Principal, faculty members, administrative staff, visitors and fellow students.

17. Political activities and the functioning of student organisations are strictly banned in the Campus. Unofficial meetings, strikes, demonstrations, agitations, and fund collection are strictly prohibited. Students who violate the above rule will be punished.

18. No student shall bring in to the College campus or Hostels any banner, flex, posters, flag, board, notice, pamphlet or other such materials for purpose of any activity of student organizations or other. Such things shall not be placed within the campus and in front of the gate without the permission of the college authorities.

19. The College Management and Principal shall take appropriate measures to insulate the college campus from political activism and external intervention, to safeguard the interests of students, academic community, parents and the general public. Students and staff shall co-operate with all such measures including the mode of College Union election as decided by the College Management and Courts from time to time.

20. College Union Election will be conducted under Parliamentary Mode, as per Lyngdoh Committee recommendations, under the verdict of the Hon.ble High Court of Kerala

21. No meeting or entertainment shall be organized or any fund collected in the college or the hostels without the permission of the Principal.

22. Students should not go outside the College during class hours. In case of urgency should seek special permission of the Principal / Head of the Department.

23. Staff members or Discipline Committee shall have the powers to deny admission to students to classes/ office/labs/library/ meetings/cultural programs and other programs in case of any violation of the rule/dress code of the College.

24. Use of Mobile Phones inside the campus is strictly prohibited.

25. No Student shall use or keep in possession alcoholic drinks or drugs. Using/keeping of these items will lead to immediate expulsion of the student from the College and Hostels. Smoking is strictly prohibited.

26. Students should not enter the other classrooms.

27. Programmes by External agencies/Professional Groups/ Paid Programs such as DJ/ Musical Events should not be permitted inside the campus .

28. Students who are charged in criminal offences and are under suspension are not allowed to enter the campus without permission.

29. Public including former students will be allowed to enter the college campus only for genuine reason and should take prior permission with valid identity proof. (Govt .Order No. 26483/G1/15/H.Edn Dated 12.10.2015)

30. Students from other institutions and outsiders disrupting any academic activity or functioning of the college office or any unit thereof shall be treated as infringing in the rights of college authorities to run the institution in a good manner for the public interest. All such deeds will be treated as infringement of the rights of students. Legal actions including contempt of court will be initiated in all such cases.

31. Photography, video, audio recording and playing in the campus are strictly prohibited. Programs in the college shall be covered only by the persons officially authorized by the Principal.

32. No type of vehicles should be used during celebrations inside the campus and in other days will be allowed up to the designated parking area. Entry beyond that point is strictly prohibited. Stunting and racing of vehicles strictly banned. (Govt .Order No. 26483/G1/15/H.Edn Dated 12.10.2015)

33. In the interest of security of students ,Police may be informed in advance about all festival celebrations (Govt .Order No. 26483/G1/15/H.Edn Dated 12.10.2015)

34. For all student’s programme in the campus teachers presence is mandatory (Govt .Order No. 26483/G1/15/H.Edn Dated 12.10.2015)

35. Students should keep the texts and note books required for classes they attend.

36. Students who happen to have no class should not loiter in the corridors or campus during class hours. They must either go to the Library and read or retire to their hostels.

37. Habitual negligence in college work, dishonesty, obscenity in word and act or any other acts of misconduct will involve severe disciplinary action.

38. Ragging is prohibited by law. Students shall not indulge in any such activities. It is strictly banned in the campus by law in force.

39. Course Certificate will be issue only the students those who completed all regular semester examination.

40. Those who violate the above mentioned rules and regulations will be punished.